
Birds of many Feathers

A Mail Art Exhibition as Part of the World Book Night 2024 World Book Night (WBN) is the umbrella term for a series of events by the Centre for Print Research at the University of the West of England in Bristol. The institution deals with art in books as well as books in art. The…

Eigentum mit Stil

Aktuelle Exlibris im Schriftmuseum Pettenbach Zwischen 1470 und 1490 wollten zwei geistliche Herren ihren Besitz schützen: Der schwäbische Kartäusermönch Hilprand Brandenburg von Biberach und der hessische Vikar Hanns Igler Knabensberger trauten Freunden, die sich Bücher ausborgten, nicht über den Weg. Deshalb versahen sie die wertvollen Bände mit Eigentumsnachweisen und erfanden so das Exlibris. Weil es…

Borders in Italy

Artists have not forgotten Padhi Friedberger “With his mail art, Padhi Frieberger has disseminated the concerns of ecological and pacifist movements and referred to political debates.” This statement started the international call on the subject of borders.

#krems #austria #padhifriedberger #mailart

Traveling within Books

Exhibition: The Italian writer Italo Calvino was hailed as “Italy’s most original storyteller” by critics. Gerald Jatzek’s card draws inspiration from Calvino’s work, inviting readers to immerse themselves in his narrative. #italianliterature #italocalvino #mailart #exhibition

Greetings from Venus

Until now it is not possible to be a citizen of the world because the world is divided into nations. The Venusian People project therefore offers the opportunity to legally acquire Venusian Citizenship. The aim is to turn all the inhabitants of the Earth into Venusians and thus abolish the division of the Earth into…

Kunst abseits von Galerien

Der Beitrag der Druckgraphik zur Verbreitung von Kunst, Wissen und tradiertem Kulturgut war ursprünglich nur mit dem Buchdruck vergleichbar. Mit der Digitalisierung und nicht zuletzt mit unkontrollierten Auflagenhöhen hat die handgedruckte Originalgraphik auf dem Kunstmarkt an Bedeutung verloren. Dennoch fasziniert der manuelle Bilddruck, der gediegenes Handwerk und künstlerisches Schaffen vereint, weiterhin zahlreiche Künstler und Künstlerinnen.…

Welttag der Poesie

Am 21. März denkt die Welt wieder einmal an die Poesie, und das ist gut so, denn ohne Poesie gäbe es unsere moderne Welt nicht. Viele Tausende Jahre war die klangvolle Sprache der Epen, der Balladen und Oden die beste Möglichkeit, Wissen zu bewahren und weiterzugeben. Die Rigveda, das Gilgamesch-Epos, die Odysee wurden lange mündlich…

Adam’s Stamps

US-based mail artist Adam Roussopoulos has “passion for making artistamps”. Two sheets of his stamps reached Vienna two days ago and were well received by Gabriele and Gerald. The black-and-white stamps are accompanied by three text fragments: Now here comes the creative part for our readers. We’d like you to develop your personal interpretations and…

Battle Cries

The Culture Project Miradas Enredadas / Networking Glances coordinated by Professor Fabiane Pianowski of the Visual Arts in Study Research Group (AVE) of the Institute of Languages and Arts of the Federal University of Rio Grande (ILA/FURG) and has the support of students from the Center for Studies in Visual Arts (NAVE). The project organizes open art…

Tribute to Henri Rousseau

The French painter Henri Julien Félix Rousseau (1844-1910) was always valued by other artists but unterrated by art critics. One of them wrote “Monsieur Rousseau paints with his feet, with a blindfold over his eyes.” Picasso, on the other hand, knew quality when he saw it. He organized a Banquet for Rousseau which was attended…

Archivo de arte contemporáneo

Una extensa colección de arte correo electrónico surgió desde 2008 por la iniciativa The Arnolfini Archives del artista, poeta y sociólogo Ervin Zsubori. Las existencias se amplían periódicamente por convocatorias temáticas, que culminan en exposiciones en línea. La solución de las obras enviadas tiene que llenar un área de 600×600 pixeles (300 dpi), lo que…

Asemic Exchange

Asemic writing is an umbrella term for all kinds of texts that have no explicit meaning. Be it that the characters used do not exist, or that letters are arranged in a way that cannot be deciphered. The invention of deliberate illegible writing is sometimes credited to Tim Gaze and Jim Leftwich who coined the…

Signs everywhere

The mail art project Posdata: Esperanza Recuerda (hope remembered) goes back to 2014. For the 7th edition the group that is coordinated by Consuelo Vallejo Delgado and Pedro Osákar Olaiz was looking for public signs. In the initial call they stated: “We are developing an investigation about visual semiotic poems on the basis of guiding…

Writing about Music

There’s a lot of music magazines around with a wide range of styles, objectives and audiences. But there is only one Syncopation Journal: an online platform dedicated to texts about music. We’re not talking about the industry’s press releases or the pseudo-intellectual drivel in music journals. We’re talking about – no need to be afraid…

A Watercolor Card

This card went out to Ruth Giles in England. It was once again a coproduction, consisting of Gabriele’s watercolor painting and Gerald’s haiku on the back side of the card. The face reflects the surprise at the golden shine of the pebbles, while the haiku provides the explanation. the autumn river gold washed down from…

Beautiful Mandolins

Mandolins are not only fun to play; many are real beauties as you can see here. They form an extensive family of instruments with members in places like Italy, Brazil, India, Greece, the Balkans, the British Isles, the USA and others. They exist in a vast number of shapes, sizes and tunings from the piccolo mandolin’s c’…

Poetry at Stanford

Wow, hat’s a surprise! A student sent us these screenshots from the library catalog of Stanford University with entries of four books of poetry by Gerald: Three are collections of poems: The fourth book is an anthology of Austrian poetry, titled Gedichte nach 1984, which was edited by Gerald Jatzek and Hansjörg Zauner (1959–2017). The…

Gedichte in Deutschland

Drei Veröffentlichungen im Herbst Die Wege, auf denen Texte und Lesende zusammenkommen, sind verschlungen: Innerhalb kurzer Zeit gab es Anfragen für zwei Bände mit Themen, die mit den Gedichten Gerald Jatzeks auf den ersten Blick kaum etwas zu tun haben. In beiden Fällen haben die Autorinnen um die Rechte angefragt und die Texte für ihre…

Die Blumen des …

Beim Flower Power Festival München 2023 drehte sich alles um die Blüte, im wörtlichen, aber auch im übertragenen Sinn. Wissenschaft, Nachhaltigkeit, Pflanzenvielfalt, Gartenkunst, Klimawandel, Biodiversität, Ästhetik, Lebensqualität – aber auch Kunst, Musik und Literatur. Das Floralia Mailart Projekt sammelte die Vereinigung Kunstrefugium neue Arbeiten zu Blüten, Blumen und Pflanzen. Viele Beiträge gingen von der Frage…

A Multimedia Magazine from Spain

The Procedimentum is an annual publication edited by Pedro Pablo Gallardo Montero. Originally a print magazine, it has grown to many hundreds pages of text and illustrations plus a multimedia part. Nowadays you find the fascinating collection of visual poetry, art, music, video, secondary literature and everything inbetween at the beginning of the year on the…

Make Art (Distribution) cheaper

Mailing and shipping prices are a drag for mail artists. Why? Because “one aspect that distinguishes the creative postal network from other artistic movements, schools or groups (including Fluxus) is the way it disregards and circumvents the commercial art market”. (Wikipedia) Maya López Muro of the Il Graffiacielo Art Studio in Italy, César Reglero Campos…

El divertido día de los muertos

A la interpretación de calaveras había convocado el artista portugués Paulo Alexandre Rocha Teles alias BroTTas. Cómo se puede ver en su exposición en línea, este tema ha animado a muchos artistas, por ejemplo a Rudi Schreiber, Gabriele Müller y Irina Manu (de la izquierda a la derecha ). Las festividades al inicio de noviembre…

Nature in Istanbul

Sometimes, news travel slow even in the age of the internet. Only recently, we were informed about the exhibition Nature in Istanbul’s Bahariye Art Gallery which presented the collected contributions of Mengü Gezgins mail art call. Among the works by more than 130 artists was Gerald Jatzek’s collage sea&land, based on a photo he had…

Editor’s Choice

Psythur is a book series by the US-based The Ravens Quoth Press that is dedicated to “(…) works selected by the editors throughout the year. Poems that were misfits for our other collections, but nonetheless stirred our mind, heart, or soul”. psithurism a rustling or whispering sound, such as leaves in the wind The anthology…

The Fish in the Envelope

The other day, a fish stranded in the mailbox of Gabriele and Gerald. Not an average fish, of course, no swordfish, no trout, and no mackerel, but a FLUXfish. The strange animal had already visited Pam Chatfield, Mikel Untzilla, Rebekka Schmidt, Aina Enciso, Sabela Baña, Sil Dubois, and The Sticker Dude. Gabriele and Gerald helped…

Blue Tiles

The mail art call by the the Creative Experimental Laboratory of the Torre Social Centre of Padua invited artists to submit up to five works in the format size of 10 x 10 cm. While there was no restriction regarding themes or techniques, each work had to contain something in blue. Maria Teresa Cazzaro used…

Ein poetisches Geschenk

Vierzig Jahre sind im Buchmarkt eine enorm lange Zeitspanne, in der sich Geschmack und Markt, Leseverhalten und Medientechnologie in großem Maß verändert haben. Wenn eine Buchreihe so lange erfolgreich ist, beweist das die Richtigkeit des Konzepts und die Qualität der Texte. Der Verschenk-Calender ist auch in der Ausgabe für 2024 wieder eine gelungene Mischung aus…

Possible Futures

The 2084 Imagined Futures​ from the South Program is an international initiative to occupy the future of Latin American cities. Among the participating institutions are Afroresistance (New York), Collectivo Artearte (Bogotá), Heroínas Peruanas, Freie Universität Berlin, Manzana de las Luces Museum (Buenos Aires) and The New School / Observatory on Latin America (New York). They…

The Rabbitfish

This strange animal recently entered the house via the mailbox. The story goes that is has been bred by Melissa Wand from the FLUXfish group within the International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA). The other side of the postcard is designed as a spade nine, formed by a school of spade fish. Thank you, Sil, we…

Fuori dalla finestra

Un articolo di è campania Il mondo visibile e invisibile, oltre alla finestra.. Questo è il tema della mostra internazionale di arte postale organizzata dall’Associazione Nel segno dell’arte di Avellino con il Museo civico Luigi D’Avanzo di Roccarainola. Un percorso espositivo che si articola attraverso opere, rigorosamente 20×20 cm, in cui ciascun artista ha riprodotto…

Un tributo merecido

Ibirico fue uno de los artistas más activos de arte correo en España. Rendirle tributo fue el tema de la III convocatoria del Museo Internacional de Electrografía (MIDECIANT) y de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). En la exposición en homenaje a Ibirico, se muestran las obras de más de doscientas personas de todo el mundo. En la…

Spanish Jazz & Signs in Spain

Jazzándaluz is an offspring of the International Festival of Music, Theatre and Dance of Priego de Córdoba, which has been around for more than 75 years. It is an event where the best musicians and bands of Spain get together. The organizers call it a “commitment to quality culture made in our country”. Since 2019…

Außergewöhnliches aus Köln

Die Kölner Parasitenpresse ist einer der interessantesten Verlage Deutschlands, nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Anthologien mit Texten aus Dänemark, Griechenland oder Lettland. In der Zeitschrift Etcetera Nr. 93 erschienen zwei Besprechungen aktueller Bände. Poetische Vielfalt Adrian Kasnitz ist zunächst einmal Brückenbauer. Mit der Parasitenpresse stellt er übersetzte Lyrik aus zahlreichen Kulturen vor, darunter auch aus sogenannten…


The mail art exhibition esserci senza esserci has a tradition that dates back to the year 2008. This year 196 artists from 22 countries reacted to the call. The exhibition was curated by _guroga and Enzo Correnti and supported by the Collettivo Dada Boom Viareggio and the Collettivo Superazione Viareggio. The show took place at…

Peace in Brazil

Paz na terra or Peace on Earth is the title of an exhibition in Jundiaí, a town in the state of São Paulo, located 57 kilometres north of São Paulo. The exhibition presents drawings, photographies, paintings, collages, ink drawings, watercolor paintings and prints. The works come from artists from Spain, Estonia, USA, Belgium, Japan, Germany,…

Wirklich unwirklich

Am 10.10. wurde die Nummer 93 der niederösterreichischen Kulturzeitschrift etcetera, die von der Literarischen Gesellschaft St. Pölten herausgegeben wird, im Stadtmuseum vorgestellt. Beppo Beyerl (oben links) las seine Dokumentation einer Hexenverbrennung, und Christian Orou trug eine skurrile Fantasystory von Thomas Gobbele sowie aphoristische Prosa von Jutta Treiber vor. Eva Riebler präsentierte die bildnerischen Arbeiten Johannes…

New Poems in Canada and the USA

Nature is not good or bad, not ugly or beautiful, not weak or strong. Nature is, and nature is sometimes hard to understand. This is where poetry comes in. “What can be explained is not poetry”, wrote the great Irish poet William Butler Yeats in a note to his son. However, poetry can explain the…

Time Flies

Franco Ballabeni called, and 200 artists sent 350 works on the theme tempus fugit (time flies). They formed an exhibition that was first shown in Colico, a town situated on the northern arm of Lake Como in the Italian province Lombardy. The Mostra Internazionale di Mail Art took place in the Museo della Cultura Contadina…

Geschichte der Farben

Diese kompakte Darstellung beginnt bei den Erdfarben der Höhlenmalerei und endet mit der Farbnormierung im Druckwesen und in der in der Informationstechnologie. Dazwischen führt die Kunsthistorikerin Camille Viéville durch dreißig weitere, für die Farbe in der Kunst wichtige Perioden.  Etwa die Vielfarbigkeit im Ägypten der Pharaonen, wo es keinen Begriff gab, der unserem Blau entspräche,…

Una obra colaborativa

“La poesía visual es parte de un campo mucho más amplio que genéricamente denominamos poesía experimental.No existe fórmula que permita determinar claramente si una obra puede o no ser considerada Poesía Visual. El borde es difuso.Síntesis entre imagen y palabra, juego entre signos y formas y otras lecturas posibles.Todos los recursos son válidos, la creatividad…

Lots of Yellow and Orange

A watercolor painting and a spontanous Taffy poem: They were sent to the British artists Kevin & James Gillen. The envelope shows a koala and some exotic lizards, accompanied by the text not in Austria, a reference to the common confusion of Austria and Australia.

Un aniversario muy triste

Exposiciones de mail art en diferentes Universidades de la ciudad de Antofagasta El 11 de septiembre mucha gente en Europa recuerda los atentados que ocurrieron el mismo día en el año 2001. Pero para la América Latina democrática esta fecha es relacionada dolorosamente con el 11 de septiembre de 1973. Maya López Muro y Rogelio…

Solo in Krems bis 6. Oktober

Am 22. September eröffnete der Kremser Bürgermeister Reinhard Resch die erste Soloausstellung Gabriele Müllers in der Kremser Galerie KULTUR Mitte. Der Titel Geschichten mit … verweist einerseits auf das erzählerische Element in den Werken, andererseits auf die Umsetzung mit einer Vielzahl von künstlerischen Verfahrensweisen. Hausherr Wolfgang Mahrer begrüßte das Publikum, und Christina Hermann arbeitete mit…

Die Zeit

Peter Hömseder ist Lehrer an der Blankenstein-Grundschule in Steinheim an der Murr in Baden-Württemberg. Außerdem komponiert, arrangiert und singt er und zeigt Kindern, wieviel Spaß und Freude Musik machen kann. Nun hat er mit jungen Musikanten eine wunderschöne Fassung seines Liedes Die Zeit aufgenommen, zu dem Gerald Jatzek den Text beigesteuert hat. Es ist fraglos…

Multimedia Dreams on an Island

How do you build a dream archive? Greek artist Vanessa Tοuzlοukof started with an international call for mail art. “You are invited to send a dream of yours, recorded both in your native language and in English and illustrated in any visual medium you like”, she wrote. During the summer, incoming contributions were published on…

A Reply and a Call

A few days ago, we showed you some items that reached MailYourArt from Berlin. Today it’s time to show the reply mail to Ulli Kattenstroth, a longtime mail art activist whose work can be found all over the place and beyond. The reply mail included a watercolor sketch by Gabriele Müller and an asemic text…

Wundertüte aus Berlin

Der Berliner Ulrich Kattenstroth vagabundiert durch Kunstsparten, ohne sich viel um Grenzen zu kümmern. Im Juli schickte er einen Umschlag nach Wien, der das Haus des kürzlich verstorbenen Schweizer Künstlers und Aktionisten Hans Ruedi Fricker (1947-2023) zeigt. Auf der Vorderseite befindet sich die Botschaft: FLUXUS IST LUXUS. Was hiermit zur fröhlichen Diskussion gestellt sei. In…

In Harmony with Nature in Elba

Sant’Ilario on the island of Elba is not a spot that everybody knows. Well, not yet, because there’s an active group  called Voltine that started to reach out to mail artists from all over the world. The opening of the exhibition of the works they received will take place on Friday 18 August at 7 pm. It’s…

Moving Poetry

Dorina Harangus is a multilingual actress and dancer from Romania who likes to switch between styles and disciplines, including singing, drama, movement and poetry. The project Word & Movement is based on the results of a mail art and poetry call. From the works that she received, Dorina formed a “performative exhibition” in two German…

A Watercolor Card

Canadian artist Awyn is a very active member of the mail art community. All the more it is very nice that she found the time to draw two watercolor paintings and send them as a postcard to Austria. The front page that features a folk guitar player on a typical stool is accompanied by a…

Tiefdruck mit Tiefgang

Ein alchemistisches Werkstattbuch für Radierer von Wolfgang Autenrieth Es gibt zig Bücher über die Techniken der Radierung, und in den meisten finden sich gedrechselte Verweise auf die Kunstgeschichte und Abbildungen von großartigen Werken. Eben das lässt Wolfgang Autenrieth aus. Dafür beschreibt er detailgenau sämtliche Arbeitsabläufe vom Aufbau der Werkstatt über die Vorbereitung der Platten und…

Post von einer Kunstreise

Schon vor einiger Zeit ist ein dickes Kuvert von Stephan J. Mitterwieser bei uns eingetroffen. Der hat sich zuletzt voll in die Kunst gestürzt, wovon etwa gedruckte Postkarten vom Dada Zentrum Kamenz, Robert Rehfeldt und Ruth Wolf Rehfeldt oder Programme von der Städtischen Galerie Dresden (Cornelia Schleime) und der Galerie Eigen in Leipzig (Neo Rauch)…

Mehr Druck!

Manueller Bilddruck ist eine Leidenschaft, die für Produzenten wie Konsumenten gleichermaßen Vorteile bringt. Einerseits bietet die Vielfalt der Techniken eine kaum überschaubare Vielfalt von kombinierbaren Möglichkeiten, andrerseits werden Kunstwerke in kleinen Auflagen auch für Kunstliebhaber mit wenig Budget interessant.  Eine der aktivsten Initiativen des Landes, die Kunst&Druckwerkstatt am Bahnhof in Hausmening, hat im Juli ein…

A virtual Country

Dadaland is a country that only exists within the realm of the International Union of Mail-Artists (IOUMA). It is the brainchild of Predrag Petrovic who appointed himself as Head of Mission of the country’s embassy on the IOUMA server. If you try to find Dadaland on the map, please bear in mind Predrag’s definition: It is located wherever…

3x Poesiealbum

Ein hübsches Ensemble ergeben drei Publikationen der Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Lyrik. Gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass sie Gedichte von Gerald Jatzek enthalten:

Lots of Marks …

“Fingerprints identify us, distinguish us, reveal us, while describing our trail, our path, our wanderings… It seems vital and necessary to pass through this world leaving a positive residue, an essence of our own, an emotional perfume, a particular way of being. Go through this world LEAVING A MARK. Fingerprints, handprints, footprints, heartprints, soulprints… The…

A Bag of Quotes, Part 2

What is Mail Art (4) “Well, the idea is that it’s a way to convey a message or a kind of idea to someone which is not verbal; it is not a confrontation of two people It’s an object which is opened in privacy probably and the message is looked at.”Ray Johnson (1968) “The term…

Dante again

One year after the first exhibition, Dante’s fictitious journey reached its next stop: Stella Maris Velasco organized and designed the show in the beautiful premises of the  Asociación Italiana de Belgrano. Moldes 2153CP  C1428CRGBelgrano, CABA tel: (11) 4781 0371open: 9.6.-16.6., 9 am – 4 pm

Cat Art

Wikipedia tells us: “Research has suggested that viewing online cat media is related to positive emotions, and that it even may work as a form of digital therapy or stress relief for some users. Some elements of research also shows that feelings of guilt when postponing tasks can be reduced by viewing cat content.” If…

Music is your only Friend

What shall be our legacy? That was the question behind Puskás Pálma’s call for works on the subject of time capsule. Participants were invited to create a postcard which tells future generations what we enjoy the most in our lives. The results can be found as an online exhibition on the mailasmile.org. If there will…

Poetry Walls

A month ago, the mail poetry exhibition in the former prison of Avellino closed its doors. (Though, you can still visit the collection on facebook.) The show featured texts from international writers as well as poetic statements by Italian children. When organizer Graziella Di Grezia raised an artistic call for poetry on postcards, she was…

Mit Liebe gemacht

Ingo Cesaro ist nicht nur Autor zahlreicher Werke. Er gestaltet und druckt auch Bücher, und die gehören zu den schönsten im deutschen Sprachraum. Vergangenes Jahr initiierte er ein Mail-Art-Projekt mit dem doppeltem Thema: 510 Postkarten trafen in Kronach ein. Während Cranach d. Ä. weltweit als künstlerische Herausforderung angenommen wurde, zeigte sich, dass das Septembertestament (der Urdruck von Luthers Übersetzung…

Painting & Poem

This combination of a watercolor painting and a poem is an addendum to the documentation of 2022. The card was sent to Laura Pintus / Mail Art Sardinia in October. The poem includes a reference to a haiku by the Japanese master Hōjō Dansui (1663-1711): The scarecrow does notdoff his rain hat, not evenfor the…

Remembering the Sea

Stephan J. Mitterwieser is a newbie to mail art, but he quickly found the right persons to answer his questions, namely Lutz Wohlrab and Ryosuke Cohen. He sent us a beautiful collage that employs painting, stamps, text and even sewing. The text Man sitzt insgesamt viel zu wenig am Meer (One spends too few time…

Bella Ciao!

There are two Italian songs that everybody knows: O Sole Mio and Bella Ciao, the latter being an anthem of resistance against Italian fascism and German nazism. This makes it a fitting title for a cultural program around the festa della liberazione, the anniversary of Italy’s liberation on 25 April 1945. This year, the city of Stradella, which lies…

Griechischer Abend

Einen griechischen Abend mit Gerald Jatzek und Reinhard Wegerth gab es am 25. Februar im Salon von Gabriela Habenschuss in Laxenburg. Wegerth las Geschichten über das Griechenland von gestern und heute aus dem Band Fast unglaublich (Sisyphus Verlag). Das Leben unter der Militärdiktatur (1967-1974) hat in Texten ebenso Platz wie kulturelle Missverständnisse zwischen Einheimischen und…

Art for Surgeries

Jenny Rowbory is a young British woman who suffers from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord). She has been bed-bound for the last sixteen and a half years. In May 2015, Jenny was also diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. This genetic disorder causes the body to produce faulty collagen. The biggest problem for…

Spaß in der Schule

 “Wir haben es mit einem Barden zu tun, mit einem jener Dichter, die fest davon überzeugt sind, Kinder sollten vor allem eins haben: ihren eigenen Kopf. Nach dem dritten Akkord stellt sich zudem heraus: Gerald Jatzek hat den Dreh raus, er weiß, wie Kinder aus der Reserve zu locken sind, und nimmt sofort Kontakt zu…

Dada is alive

Last year dadaStation21 from Austin, Texas, was looking for mail art postcards without a specific theme or motto. However, the word dada provided enough inspiration. Hundred years ago, the European avant-garde took a firm stance against imperialism and chauvinism: John Heartfield’s Prussian Archangel, a dummy of a German soldier with a pig’s head was the central installation at…

Luther und Cranach und Müntzer

Ingo Cesaro ist Autor, Herausgeber, Verleger, Drucker, Galerist sowie Organisator von Kunstmessen, Ausstellungen, Lesungen und Konzerten. Vergangenes Jahr organisierte er ein internationales Projekt zum Septembertestament Martin Luthers, der am 21. September 1522 erschienenen Übertragung von Das Newe Testament Deùtzsch. Getarnt als Junker Jörg verwendete Luther vor 500 Jahren als Quellen neben dem griechischen Text die…


” “Komm! ins Offene, Freund!” lautet der Beginn eines unvollendeten Gedichts von Friedrich Hölderlin, das – offenbar – auch die Redaktion der Jahresschrift Das Gedicht angeregt hat. Die einflussreichste Lyrikpublikation des deutschen Sprachraums feierte im Herbst 2022 ihren 30. Geburtstag. Das Motto der Jubiläumsausgabe lautet offen. Es gibt nur wenige Wörter im deutschen Sprachschatz, die…

A Travel Journal

In September 2003, Raphael Nadolny traveled from Poland to Slovakia and Ukraine. On the road he wrote a journal with interesting descriptions and reflections and photographs. It contains his thoughts on borders, folk museums, and history that is inscribed in the layout of a town. He mailed a copy of the musings together with a…


The 15th edition of the mail art exhibition esserci senza esserci (one translation of the ambiguous expression would be to be around without being around) took place in the Italian town of Viareggio. As usual, the opening was quite a spectacle with performances, a poetry reading and and lots of music. The organizers _guroga and…

Skeletons living it up

The Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1 and 2. Since 2008 it is part of the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. There are still academic debates about the origins of the holiday. While the belief in a temporary return of…


El cuadro gato soñando con casa y peces formó parte de la exposición internacional virtual “el gato”. Bajo la curaduría de Johanna Díaz, la dirección de Angélica Leal y la coordinación de Jahary Pérez se siguen publicando las presentaciones que fueron seleccionados entres los 147 participantes de 31 países. El dibujo de lápices a colores…

Cabaret: 90 Years after

“Life is a cabaret.” Everybody knows this line from the song which has been recorded by the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Liza Minnelli, Brenda Lee and Frankie Vaughn: “What good is sitting alone in your room?Come hear the music play.Life is a cabaret, old chum.Come to the Cabaret.” The musical Cabaret is set…

Art from two Countries

Not all things gone smoothly for a time. That’s why we have been offline for some weeks. We are back with some great examples of mail art that we received in October:

Pensando y hablando

“No Dejes que Mueran las Palabras” era el título de una convocatoria internacional, organizada por Stella Maris Velasco y Mariela De Brasi. En la exposition en la Liga del Comercio y la Industria San Martin, Argentina, participan los siguientes artistas y poetas de Argentina a Singapur:


Die Österreichische Post ist das größte Logistik- und Postunternehmen des Landes und das einzige, das Briefe und Karten zustellt. Umso wichtiger wäre strikte Neutralität in Hinsicht auf die beförderten Objekte. Leider ist das nicht der Fall. Die obenstehende – bewusst grob gearbeitete – Collage von Gerald Jatzek wurde auf dem Weg von Wien nach Grünbach…

Political Art

Words against system’s headaches/ Words for new utopia is the title of an exhibition in Namur. The show was curated by Laurent Wilmet and Anne Gilis for the the Belgian educational movement CEPAG. They state: “Indeed, words are not innocent. Words are not neutral, they are socially situated and criticism of their use, of their…

A Short Introduction

What is Mail Art? (3) This video offers a brief introduction to Mail Art as a form of art that defies the global art market: See also: To learn more about this brainchild of Dada and Fluxus, you may want to visit the Site of the International Union of Mail-Artists.

Zwei Veröffentlichungen

Zwei Veröffentlichungen sind in diesem Juli zu melden: Die renommierte Literaturzeitschrift erostepost druckte in der Nummer 63 gleich zwei Kurzgeschichten von Gabriele ab: Dmytro: ein zeitnah beschriebener Aufbruch zur Flucht. Das erste Mal: eine unsentimentale Kindergeschichte. Die erostepost wurde heuer bereits 35 Jahre alt und berichtet darüber auf ihrer Website. Gerald publizierte im Rahmen der…

Exchange of Trees

The International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA) hosts nearly 400 special interest groups on its server. One of our favorites is devoted to the art of trees. The description reads: “Without trees the world would be dead and a place of disaster. With trees the world can tackle global warming. Hug a tree and you hug…

Skurrile Geschichten

Die AG Offene Literatur gibt es seit 1996, und in der Zeit hat sie sich als zentrale literarische Vereinigung in Westösterreich etabliert. Im Gegensatz zum andernorts gepflegten Geniekult hat sie sich von Anfang an als Produktionsgemeinschaft verstanden. In einem Grundsatzpapier von 2021 heißt es: “Im Fokus unserer Publikationen stehen: Solidarität und Offenheit.” Zu den Projekten…

Helping Brautigan out

Richard Brautigan’s poetry was anything but academic. When he was not trying to write koan-like lines – “I learned Buddhism by watching”, he reported – he was always good for  a nonsense verse. Several poems with titles above white space combine these approaches. In The Amelia Earhart Pancake he talks about his vain efforts to…

Death of a Factory

Raphael Nadolny sent a triptych of photos of the old vodka factory Koneser which means connoisseur in English in the Warsaw district of Old Praga.  The industrial complex was built around 1900 and at times employed more than 400 people. After World War II the premises were acquired by the Warsaw Spirits Industry Polmos which had…

Possibilities of the Body

How do we use our bodies to work, to perform, to create, to play, to compete, to unwind, to care for others, to build, to communicate, to hike, or to accomplish any of the tasks we confront in everyday life? How do we use our elbows, our feet, our hands, our torso, our ankles, our…

Mail Art in the Cloister

The barn of the cloister in Zehdenick (Brandenburg, Germany) is a well known location for concerts, poetry readings and art workshops. June 12 has seen the opening of a museum about the cloister as well as a mail art show. The cloister was founded in 1250 as a Cistercian nunnery. It became protestant in the 16th…

Finnish Puzzles

Atte Ourie from Helsinki is known for his enigmatic works. The two cards he sent to Vienna are no exception. Maybe they show a pirate’s treasure map which you can’t understand, until you solve seven riddles and cast three dangerous spells. Maybe they hint towards a part of the Kalevala that has been overlooked by…

Children in the World

Yesterday saw the opening of the mail art exhibition Bambini nel mondo – Children in the World curated by Renata di Palma with works of 57 artists. Part of the event was a presentation of Daniela Minerbi’s fable Gino e Margherita by the artist Sarah Mutinelli. The show runs from 1 to 26 June in…

A Card from Down Under

A beautiful card from Tasmania reached Vienna last week. You can see the appropriate title on the left side: Pamela Parks’ collage has traveled 16,216.34 km (10,076.36 mi) in one month to make us feel connected. Thus, it made roughly 540 km per day. Pamela, who has been to Austria, mentions that she is a photographer as…

70 x Endurance

Serlina Rose is a poetess and writer from the Caribbean island of Dominica. When she is not working on her own stories and poems, reading, or sharing ideas and opinions on social media channels, she is compiling anthologies. Recently, she edited a truly international compilation on the subject of endurance for an Indian publishing house.…

On the Outside

Senza traccia / Without a trace is the title of a mail art exhibition in Casole d’Elsa, a municipality in the Province of Siena in the region Tuscany.  The aim of the show is to draw attention to persons that are isolated and marginalized. The works cover a broad variety of art forms like drawings, photography and poetry and…

Natural Beauty

The mail art call bellezza (beauty) is part of a series cultural and artistic projects named voci di notte (voices of the night) of the echorama A.P.S. association. The theme which includes all the possible meanings of beauty was chosen to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ratification of the World Heritage Convention, adopted by…

By Chance

Melanie Reed from Seattle loves to produce hand-crafted media that reveals the three-dimensional process of its creation. Her excellent paper collages Meeting of Minds and Ship of State II reached me, while I was reading a book about Max Ernst who developed the three-dimensonal techniques grattage (scraping the surface layers of paint) and frottage (incorporating the structures…


Recently, two of Gerald’s texts were published nearly simultaneously in Austria and the US. The literature magazine Book of Matches has included the poem Farewell Song in its spring issue (no. 5). It features prominently as the last text of the publication. The first issue was published in January 2021. The journal is edited by…

Speaking in many Tongues

The language school  Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Carabanchel in Madrid was looking for contributions to the theme learning languages. Gerald’s card includes references to four great works of literature: the Odyssey, The Cid, Beowulf and the Finnish epic Kalevala. On the right side is a scan of the colorful confirmation of participation in the…

Strange Creature

This one was sent to Melanie Reed in the USA. It’s once again a coproduction of Gabriele and Gerald. Looking closely at the drawing, they decided that the pink animal is not a quadruped, but a triped that happens to have four legs. Well. and deep thoughts of this kind can only be expressed in…


Back in 2020, when we were confronted with COVID-19 for the first time, most of us were confused and scared. Although we tried to – and most of us did – to approach the pandemic in a rational way, we harbored all kinds of fears related to the virus. The Alianza Cultural para las Artes…