Archivo de arte contemporáneo

Una extensa colección de arte correo electrónico surgió desde 2008 por la iniciativa The Arnolfini Archives del artista, poeta y sociólogo Ervin Zsubori. Las existencias se amplían periódicamente por convocatorias temáticas, que culminan en exposiciones en línea. La solución de las obras enviadas tiene que llenar un área de 600×600 pixeles (300 dpi), lo queContinue reading “Archivo de arte contemporáneo”

Cat Art

Wikipedia tells us: “Research has suggested that viewing online cat media is related to positive emotions, and that it even may work as a form of digital therapy or stress relief for some users. Some elements of research also shows that feelings of guilt when postponing tasks can be reduced by viewing cat content.” IfContinue reading “Cat Art”

Hungarian Online Gallery

Ervin Zsubori, the mastermind behind Arnolfini’s Archives, is a man for all seasons: artist, photographer, economist, sociologist, journalist, poet and more. In the mail art community he is known for his collections on Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt. He regularly sends out organizes online exhibitions based on themed calls. They are quite challenging because the solutions have toContinue reading “Hungarian Online Gallery”

Spanish Entrance

Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt is a Hungarian initiative that has been collecting digital mail art since 2008. The current exhibition no.57 is dedicated to doorways. It features – among others – works by Reid Wood (USA), Gülşah Özdemir (Turkey), and Gerald Jatzek (from left to right). Gerald’s Porta Granadina is based on a photo that he madeContinue reading “Spanish Entrance”

A Baby’s Wheels

“Art is the most beautiful answer to the questions of the world”, says Ervin Zsubori, who is the driving force behind Arnolfini’s Archives. The Hungarian art project specializes in small-scale e-mail art. 600×600 px is all the space you get to make your contribution to one of his thematic online exhibitions. Thus, the contributions areContinue reading “A Baby’s Wheels”