…in the mail…

Thema R/Evolution

Zu ihrem 50-jährigen Jubiläum 2024 rufen das Markgräfler Museum und der Markgräfler Museumsverein Müllheim mit dessen Arbeitskreis Kunst Künstlerinnen und Künstler dazu auf, eine oder mehrere selbst gefertigte Postkarten (Mail Art) zu dem Thema [ R ] Evolution per Post an folgende Adresse zu senden…

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Adam’s Stamps

US-based mail artist Adam Roussopoulos has “passion for making artistamps”. Two sheets of his stamps reached Vienna two days ago and were well received by Gabriele and Gerald. The black-and-white stamps are accompanied by three text fragments: Now here comes the creative part for our…

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Asemic Exchange

Asemic writing is an umbrella term for all kinds of texts that have no explicit meaning. Be it that the characters used do not exist, or that letters are arranged in a way that cannot be deciphered. The invention of deliberate illegible writing is sometimes…

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Artistamps for the Ukraine

What is an artistamp? Wikipedia says: “An artistamp (a portmanteau of the words “artist” and “stamp”) or artist’s stamp is a postage stamp-like art form used to depict or commemorate any subject its creator chooses. Artistamps are a form of Cinderella stamps in that they are not valid for postage, but they differ from forgeries or bogus Illegal stamps in…

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Theater Experiences

This is a mail art call from Hungary, from the northeastern town of Miskolc, to be precise: “The SpanishFlu Webjournal of Art, which will be celebrating its 20 th anniversary in 2024, the Hungarian Mail Art Society, the Herman Ottó Museum and its member institution…

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La revolución de los claveles

The Carnation Revolution 1974 Mail art call: A5 maximum, free technique Write postal address, country and e-mail address on the back of the works Deadline for receipt: 01.04. 2024 The exhibition opens: 25.04.2024 Send to: JOSÉ L. CAMPAL, C/ MIGUEL BENZO, 18, 1B, 14004 CÓRDOBA,…

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The Emergency of Beauty

An Open Call from Italy We need more beauty here and now. What makes you happy?! Looking for a light in this broken world, let’s try to represent and share our idea of beauty and unconditional Love. All your creative power and techniques on paper…

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The Rabbitfish

This strange animal recently entered the house via the mailbox. The story goes that is has been bred by Melissa Wand from the FLUXfish group within the International Union of Mail-Artists (IUOMA). The other side of the postcard is designed as a spade nine, formed…

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Mail Art im Schriftmuseum

Das Bartlhaus, Österreichs einziges Museum, das sich der Schriftkunst widmet, ruft Mailartisten und -artistinnen zur Einsendung einer Karte im Format A6 auf, Thema und Technik sind frei. Die eingesendeten Arbeiten werden in der temporären Galerie TEMPO gezeigt. Auch Karten, die ein paar Tage nach Eröffnung…

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A Reply and a Call

A few days ago, we showed you some items that reached MailYourArt from Berlin. Today it’s time to show the reply mail to Ulli Kattenstroth, a longtime mail art activist whose work can be found all over the place and beyond. The reply mail included…

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