Birds of many Feathers

A Mail Art Exhibition as Part of the World Book Night 2024 World Book Night (WBN) is the umbrella term for a series of events by the Centre for Print Research at the University of the West of England in Bristol. The institution deals with art in books as well as books in art. TheContinue reading “Birds of many Feathers”

Borders in Italy

Artists have not forgotten Padhi Friedberger “With his mail art, Padhi Frieberger has disseminated the concerns of ecological and pacifist movements and referred to political debates.” This statement started the international call on the subject of borders.

#krems #austria #padhifriedberger #mailart

Greetings from Venus

Until now it is not possible to be a citizen of the world because the world is divided into nations. The Venusian People project therefore offers the opportunity to legally acquire Venusian Citizenship. The aim is to turn all the inhabitants of the Earth into Venusians and thus abolish the division of the Earth intoContinue reading “Greetings from Venus”

Thema R/Evolution

Zu ihrem 50-jährigen Jubiläum 2024 rufen das Markgräfler Museum und der Markgräfler Museumsverein Müllheim mit dessen Arbeitskreis Kunst Künstlerinnen und Künstler dazu auf, eine oder mehrere selbst gefertigte Postkarten (Mail Art) zu dem Thema [ R ] Evolution per Post an folgende Adresse zu senden (keine E-Mail!): Markgräfler MuseumWilhelmstraße 779379 Müllheim im MarkgräflerlandDeutschland · GermanyContinue reading “Thema R/Evolution”

Adam’s Stamps

US-based mail artist Adam Roussopoulos has “passion for making artistamps”. Two sheets of his stamps reached Vienna two days ago and were well received by Gabriele and Gerald. The black-and-white stamps are accompanied by three text fragments: Now here comes the creative part for our readers. We’d like you to develop your personal interpretations andContinue reading “Adam’s Stamps”

Battle Cries

The Culture Project Miradas Enredadas / Networking Glances coordinated by Professor Fabiane Pianowski of the Visual Arts in Study Research Group (AVE) of the Institute of Languages and Arts of the Federal University of Rio Grande (ILA/FURG) and has the support of students from the Center for Studies in Visual Arts (NAVE). The project organizes open artContinue reading “Battle Cries”

Tribute to Henri Rousseau

The French painter Henri Julien Félix Rousseau (1844-1910) was always valued by other artists but unterrated by art critics. One of them wrote “Monsieur Rousseau paints with his feet, with a blindfold over his eyes.” Picasso, on the other hand, knew quality when he saw it. He organized a Banquet for Rousseau which was attendedContinue reading “Tribute to Henri Rousseau”

Archivo de arte contemporáneo

Una extensa colección de arte correo electrónico surgió desde 2008 por la iniciativa The Arnolfini Archives del artista, poeta y sociólogo Ervin Zsubori. Las existencias se amplían periódicamente por convocatorias temáticas, que culminan en exposiciones en línea. La solución de las obras enviadas tiene que llenar un área de 600×600 pixeles (300 dpi), lo queContinue reading “Archivo de arte contemporáneo”

Asemic Exchange

Asemic writing is an umbrella term for all kinds of texts that have no explicit meaning. Be it that the characters used do not exist, or that letters are arranged in a way that cannot be deciphered. The invention of deliberate illegible writing is sometimes credited to Tim Gaze and Jim Leftwich who coined theContinue reading “Asemic Exchange”

Signs everywhere

The mail art project Posdata: Esperanza Recuerda (hope remembered) goes back to 2014. For the 7th edition the group that is coordinated by Consuelo Vallejo Delgado and Pedro Osákar Olaiz was looking for public signs. In the initial call they stated: “We are developing an investigation about visual semiotic poems on the basis of guidingContinue reading “Signs everywhere”

A Watercolor Card

This card went out to Ruth Giles in England. It was once again a coproduction, consisting of Gabriele’s watercolor painting and Gerald’s haiku on the back side of the card. The face reflects the surprise at the golden shine of the pebbles, while the haiku provides the explanation. the autumn river gold washed down fromContinue reading “A Watercolor Card”

Wanted: Food for Body & Mind

Violet week in Italy from march 9th to march 16th wants to raise awareness about eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating). Part of that is a mail art call from the non-profit-organization il filo lilla. Details All works will be shown on the website as well as in various exhibitions. Definitions … Binge EatingContinue reading “Wanted: Food for Body & Mind”

Artistamps for the Ukraine

What is an artistamp? Wikipedia says: “An artistamp (a portmanteau of the words “artist” and “stamp”) or artist’s stamp is a postage stamp-like art form used to depict or commemorate any subject its creator chooses. Artistamps are a form of Cinderella stamps in that they are not valid for postage, but they differ from forgeries or bogus Illegal stamps in that typically the creator has no intent to defraud postal authorities or stampContinue reading “Artistamps for the Ukraine”

Die Blumen des …

Beim Flower Power Festival München 2023 drehte sich alles um die Blüte, im wörtlichen, aber auch im übertragenen Sinn. Wissenschaft, Nachhaltigkeit, Pflanzenvielfalt, Gartenkunst, Klimawandel, Biodiversität, Ästhetik, Lebensqualität – aber auch Kunst, Musik und Literatur. Das Floralia Mailart Projekt sammelte die Vereinigung Kunstrefugium neue Arbeiten zu Blüten, Blumen und Pflanzen. Viele Beiträge gingen von der FrageContinue reading “Die Blumen des …”

A Multimedia Magazine from Spain

The Procedimentum is an annual publication edited by Pedro Pablo Gallardo Montero. Originally a print magazine, it has grown to many hundreds pages of text and illustrations plus a multimedia part. Nowadays you find the fascinating collection of visual poetry, art, music, video, secondary literature and everything inbetween at the beginning of the year on theContinue reading “A Multimedia Magazine from Spain”

Theater Experiences

This is a mail art call from Hungary, from the northeastern town of Miskolc, to be precise: “The SpanishFlu Webjournal of Art, which will be celebrating its 20 th anniversary in 2024, the Hungarian Mail Art Society, the Herman Ottó Museum and its member institution the Miskolc Gallery are proud to organize the X. SpanishFluContinue reading “Theater Experiences”