Borders in Italy

Artists have not forgotten Padhi Friedberger “With his mail art, Padhi Frieberger has disseminated the concerns of ecological and pacifist movements and referred to political debates.” This statement started the international call on the subject of borders.

#krems #austria #padhifriedberger #mailart

Battle Cries

The Culture Project Miradas Enredadas / Networking Glances coordinated by Professor Fabiane Pianowski of the Visual Arts in Study Research Group (AVE) of the Institute of Languages and Arts of the Federal University of Rio Grande (ILA/FURG) and has the support of students from the Center for Studies in Visual Arts (NAVE). The project organizes open artContinue reading “Battle Cries”

Die Blumen des …

Beim Flower Power Festival München 2023 drehte sich alles um die Blüte, im wörtlichen, aber auch im übertragenen Sinn. Wissenschaft, Nachhaltigkeit, Pflanzenvielfalt, Gartenkunst, Klimawandel, Biodiversität, Ästhetik, Lebensqualität – aber auch Kunst, Musik und Literatur. Das Floralia Mailart Projekt sammelte die Vereinigung Kunstrefugium neue Arbeiten zu Blüten, Blumen und Pflanzen. Viele Beiträge gingen von der FrageContinue reading “Die Blumen des …”

Nature in Istanbul

Sometimes, news travel slow even in the age of the internet. Only recently, we were informed about the exhibition Nature in Istanbul’s Bahariye Art Gallery which presented the collected contributions of Mengü Gezgins mail art call. Among the works by more than 130 artists was Gerald Jatzek’s collage sea&land, based on a photo he hadContinue reading “Nature in Istanbul”

Possible Futures

The 2084 Imagined Futures​ from the South Program is an international initiative to occupy the future of Latin American cities. Among the participating institutions are Afroresistance (New York), Collectivo Artearte (Bogotá), Heroínas Peruanas, Freie Universität Berlin, Manzana de las Luces Museum (Buenos Aires) and The New School / Observatory on Latin America (New York). TheyContinue reading “Possible Futures”

Una obra colaborativa

“La poesía visual es parte de un campo mucho más amplio que genéricamente denominamos poesía experimental.No existe fórmula que permita determinar claramente si una obra puede o no ser considerada Poesía Visual. El borde es difuso.Síntesis entre imagen y palabra, juego entre signos y formas y otras lecturas posibles.Todos los recursos son válidos, la creatividadContinue reading “Una obra colaborativa”

A virtual Country

Dadaland is a country that only exists within the realm of the International Union of Mail-Artists (IOUMA). It is the brainchild of Predrag Petrovic who appointed himself as Head of Mission of the country’s embassy on the IOUMA server. If you try to find Dadaland on the map, please bear in mind Predrag’s definition: It is located whereverContinue reading “A virtual Country”

Remembering the Sea

Stephan J. Mitterwieser is a newbie to mail art, but he quickly found the right persons to answer his questions, namely Lutz Wohlrab and Ryosuke Cohen. He sent us a beautiful collage that employs painting, stamps, text and even sewing. The text Man sitzt insgesamt viel zu wenig am Meer (One spends too few timeContinue reading “Remembering the Sea”

Dada is alive

Last year dadaStation21 from Austin, Texas, was looking for mail art postcards without a specific theme or motto. However, the word dada provided enough inspiration. Hundred years ago, the European avant-garde took a firm stance against imperialism and chauvinism: John Heartfield’s Prussian Archangel, a dummy of a German soldier with a pig’s head was the central installation atContinue reading “Dada is alive”


Die Österreichische Post ist das größte Logistik- und Postunternehmen des Landes und das einzige, das Briefe und Karten zustellt. Umso wichtiger wäre strikte Neutralität in Hinsicht auf die beförderten Objekte. Leider ist das nicht der Fall. Die obenstehende – bewusst grob gearbeitete – Collage von Gerald Jatzek wurde auf dem Weg von Wien nach GrünbachContinue reading “Zerstörungswut”

Mail Art in the Cloister

The barn of the cloister in Zehdenick (Brandenburg, Germany) is a well known location for concerts, poetry readings and art workshops. June 12 has seen the opening of a museum about the cloister as well as a mail art show. The cloister was founded in 1250 as a Cistercian nunnery. It became protestant in the 16thContinue reading “Mail Art in the Cloister”

A Card from Down Under

A beautiful card from Tasmania reached Vienna last week. You can see the appropriate title on the left side: Pamela Parks’ collage has traveled 16,216.34 km (10,076.36 mi) in one month to make us feel connected. Thus, it made roughly 540 km per day. Pamela, who has been to Austria, mentions that she is a photographer asContinue reading “A Card from Down Under”

By Chance

Melanie Reed from Seattle loves to produce hand-crafted media that reveals the three-dimensional process of its creation. Her excellent paper collages Meeting of Minds and Ship of State II reached me, while I was reading a book about Max Ernst who developed the three-dimensonal techniques grattage (scraping the surface layers of paint) and frottage (incorporating the structuresContinue reading “By Chance”

Colorfull Collages

Two wonderful collages from Seattle reached Vienna on the last day of March. They are works of Melanie Reed, titled New Year’s Eve and Object Lesson. Both images – Melanie calls them “unlikely art visions” – show a strong tension between a static central object and a background filled with colorful objects moving in a variety of directions.

Hungarian Online Gallery

Ervin Zsubori, the mastermind behind Arnolfini’s Archives, is a man for all seasons: artist, photographer, economist, sociologist, journalist, poet and more. In the mail art community he is known for his collections on Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt. He regularly sends out organizes online exhibitions based on themed calls. They are quite challenging because the solutions have toContinue reading “Hungarian Online Gallery”