Remembering the Sea

Stephan J. Mitterwieser is a newbie to mail art, but he quickly found the right persons to answer his questions, namely Lutz Wohlrab and Ryosuke Cohen. He sent us a beautiful collage that employs painting, stamps, text and even sewing. The text Man sitzt insgesamt viel zu wenig am Meer (One spends too few timeContinue reading “Remembering the Sea”

Hungarian Online Gallery

Ervin Zsubori, the mastermind behind Arnolfini’s Archives, is a man for all seasons: artist, photographer, economist, sociologist, journalist, poet and more. In the mail art community he is known for his collections on Arnolfini Mini[e]MailArt. He regularly sends out organizes online exhibitions based on themed calls. They are quite challenging because the solutions have toContinue reading “Hungarian Online Gallery”

A Bag of Quotes, Part 1

What is Mail Art? (2) “Mail art, also known as Postal art and Correspondence art, is an oddball in marketing terms. The whole movement values creating art, but in a sense it insists on not being taken particularly seriously by the established art world.”Xamou Art “La carte postale d’artiste est une œuvre indépendante, elle n’estContinue reading “A Bag of Quotes, Part 1”