A Bag of Quotes, Part 1

What is Mail Art? (2)

“Mail art, also known as Postal art and Correspondence art, is an oddball in marketing terms. The whole movement values creating art, but in a sense it insists on not being taken particularly seriously by the established art world.”
Xamou Art

“La carte postale d’artiste est une œuvre indépendante, elle n’est pas une reproduction, mais un projet artistique en tant que tel, au même titre qu’une peinture, qu’une sculpture ou qu’un livre d’artiste.”
Véronique Gorczynski

“L’arte postale mette in comunicazione artisti di tutto il mondo che dialogano tra loro utilizzando il mezzo postale per scambiarsi ed interagire con le proprie opere
rispondendo a richiami, a progetti lanciati da latri artisti.”
Vittorio Baccelli

“Mail Art is far from finishing. I appreciate the role of collaboration in Mail Art.”
Ryosuke Cohen

“El Arte Correo es una forma subliminal de conciencia social ” 
Clemente Padín 

“Mail Art (…) ist eine historische Kunst- und Kommunikationsform, die eng mit Fluxus und Konzeptkunst verwoben ist und wie diese den tradierten Kunstbegriff sowie das Kunstsystem in Frage stellt.”
Akademie der Künste Berlin

“El arte correo en Sudamérica adopta una postura política en respuesta a las condiciones de represión imperantes.”
John Held, Jr. in: Mail Art. La Red Eterna

  • “Generally, mail art is sold and is traded between musicians.
  • Mail artwork is provided freely, with no expectation of something in return. You get exactly what you get.
  • When the envelope was dropped to the mail, overlook it.”
    Albert Morrow

“Le Mail Art souligne l’importance des liens sociaux et privilégie la relation humaine. Tout le monde peut faire de l’art postal, des anonymes s’approprient également ce moyen d’expression jouant avec humour avec la rigidité de l’institution postale.”
Typhaine Rouillard

“Bei der Mail Art schwingt der Wunsch mit, dass sich Nähe über eine räumliche Distanz transportieren lässt und dass sich das Erlebnis des Reisens stellvertretend in ein Objekt einschreiben kann,”
Saskia Trebing

“El Mail Art se plantea como un red de intercambio entre artistas.”
Fabiane Pianowski

“In essence Mail Art is noncommercial art created by an artist and sent directly to the audience.”
Marilyn Dammann

Photo: Rinck Content Studio

Published by Gerald Jatzek

Gerald is a poet, musician, and mail artist who writes in German and English . He has published books for children and adults. He has played in quite some countries, including Australia, Germany, Italy, Greece, and Hong Kong. 2001 he received the Austrian State Prize for Children’s Poetry.

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