A Goodie Bag from Hanna

We recently received mail from the USA: a thick envelope containing a plethora of objects. There were drawings [enlarge] as well as photos from magazines. We found a sketch explaining the function of a dredging boat and some of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous anatomical studies. (Unfortunately, not the originals.) The sender was Hanna Marie DeanContinue reading “A Goodie Bag from Hanna”

Time Flies

Franco Ballabeni called, and 200 artists sent 350 works on the theme tempus fugit (time flies). They formed an exhibition that was first shown in Colico, a town situated on the northern arm of Lake Como in the Italian province Lombardy. The Mostra Internazionale di Mail Art took place in the Museo della Cultura ContadinaContinue reading “Time Flies”


The 15th edition of the mail art exhibition esserci senza esserci (one translation of the ambiguous expression would be to be around without being around) took place in the Italian town of Viareggio. As usual, the opening was quite a spectacle with performances, a poetry reading and and lots of music. The organizers _guroga andContinue reading “Esserci…”


El cuadro gato soñando con casa y peces formó parte de la exposición internacional virtual “el gato”. Bajo la curaduría de Johanna Díaz, la dirección de Angélica Leal y la coordinación de Jahary Pérez se siguen publicando las presentaciones que fueron seleccionados entres los 147 participantes de 31 países. El dibujo de lápices a coloresContinue reading “Gatos…”

The Medieval Presence

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the actual dimension of irrationality in our, well, modern societies.  Be it the believers of the theory that Bill Gates has caused COVID, be it president Trump who suggested injecting disinfectant as a treatment, the medieval times and their beliefs seem quite near. As the Washington Post put it: No vaccineContinue reading “The Medieval Presence”

Drawing & Writing

The Piccola Galleria Resistente in Naples will show the exhibition Veni Volti Veni for 13 days. Afterwards you will still find the exhibits on Instagram. This is the first exhibition to show one of the cooperative works of Gabriele and Gerald, a combination of a poem and a drawing, version #3 of 3, to beContinue reading “Drawing & Writing”