Make Art (Distribution) cheaper

Mailing and shipping prices are a drag for mail artists. Why? Because “one aspect that distinguishes the creative postal network from other artistic movements, schools or groups (including Fluxus) is the way it disregards and circumvents the commercial art market”. (Wikipedia) Maya López Muro of the Il Graffiacielo Art Studio in Italy, César Reglero CamposContinue reading “Make Art (Distribution) cheaper”

A Reply and a Call

A few days ago, we showed you some items that reached MailYourArt from Berlin. Today it’s time to show the reply mail to Ulli Kattenstroth, a longtime mail art activist whose work can be found all over the place and beyond. The reply mail included a watercolor sketch by Gabriele Müller and an asemic textContinue reading “A Reply and a Call”