Mail Art Call: Birds and Nature

COA-PoA (Clube de Observadores de Aves de Porto Alegre) was the first birdwatchers’ club in Brazil, and it is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary this year. To celebrate, they are launching a mail art call with the theme birds and nature. Maximum dimensions are 297 x 210 mm or 11.7 x 8.3 in.Minimum dimensions are 100Continue reading “Mail Art Call: Birds and Nature”

Battle Cries

The Culture Project Miradas Enredadas / Networking Glances coordinated by Professor Fabiane Pianowski of the Visual Arts in Study Research Group (AVE) of the Institute of Languages and Arts of the Federal University of Rio Grande (ILA/FURG) and has the support of students from the Center for Studies in Visual Arts (NAVE). The project organizes open artContinue reading “Battle Cries”

Peace in Brazil

Paz na terra or Peace on Earth is the title of an exhibition in Jundiaí, a town in the state of São Paulo, located 57 kilometres north of São Paulo. The exhibition presents drawings, photographies, paintings, collages, ink drawings, watercolor paintings and prints. The works come from artists from Spain, Estonia, USA, Belgium, Japan, Germany,Continue reading “Peace in Brazil”