Keep smiling

Matera, photo by Luca Aless - CC 4.0

Matera is a town in the Basilicata, in the Deep South of Italy. The region was conquered an reconquered many times and has been under the rule of Romans, Lombards, Arabs, Byzantines, Swabians, Angevins, Aragonese, and Bourbons. The name is of Greek origin and means mother (μητέρα), and the high ground with the cathedral is still called acropolis.

In 2023, the Scuola Primaria (elementary school) “G. Pascoliraised a mail art call for postcards with the theme sorridi! / smile! that was open for everybody.

Card by Gerald Jatzek [enlarge]

Right now, you can visit the exhibition, commissioned by Tina Festa.


Copyright: The title photo is @ Luca Aless – CC 4.0 / Wikimedia

Published by Marius van der Graaf

artist, musician, write & traveler

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